June News – Addressing Grain-Free Concerns and Preparing For a Hot Summer

Short-coated Fawn Dog Near Flower Pots

A grain-free diet – is it a good or a bad idea? 

Our animal hospital strives to stay educated regarding advancements in veterinary medicine and in turn keep our clients well informed. We always keep an ear to the ground regarding what diets are passing fads and which are truly beneficial for our pets. The bottom line is always that every pet is different and thus has different dietary needs. Trust well established pet food brands that have been approved by veterinarians rather than small time specialty diets that come and go. We have formulated an outline on the latest concerns regarding grain-free and “boutique” diets which can be viewed here.

Stay cool out there!

It’s the time of year to keep an eye on the rising temperatures! Keep your pets cool as you would yourself, and monitor for signs of overheating in dogs like excessive panting and drooling, dark red or purple gums and lips as well as red eyes. Dogs suffering from heat stroke may also vomit, seize, or have a staggering gait. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, cool them down immediately by use of a garden hose or shower, get them in a cooler environment like shade or air conditioning, apply ice packs to armpits and chest, offer cool water and contact your veterinarian.

Heading out of town on vacation?

Our kennel is open and ready to keep your dog, cat, or exotic pet happy and entertained while you kick off your summer with a big trip! Contact our front desk to set up a reservation.


843-762-4944 or thefrahfd@gmail.com