
Declawing is actually a very simple and relatively painless procedure, provided the proper care is maintained post-surgery. Declawing is recommended to be performed between four and six months of age.  Athough older cats can also be declawed, younger cats seem to recover much faster from the procedure, with little to no pain.  Older cats seem to have mild to moderate pain that is controllable with opioid-type pain management.  Cats will not hesitate to walk, or even jump, after the procedure is performed and they are fully recovered. Under full anesthesia, the kitten’s bone is removed at the joint connecting the first and second bones of the toe. It is necessary to remove the first bone, or else a new nail will grow back!  Only the front claws are removed; never the rear claws.  After removal of the bone and nail, surgical glue is used to close the incision. No sutures are needed and the glue is typically absorbed. Cats are generally managed post-operatively in the hospital overnight with bandages removed the next day.  Opioid-type pain control is used for the first 3-5 days.  Unlike dogs, who cannot retract their claws, cats do not use their first knuckle of their paws for walking, so normal movement is not hindered by the removal of it. Many declawed cats will still simulate clawing at a couch or use their “fingers” to grab your hand or a toy you are holding and pull it towards them. Declawed cats should be confined to indoor life only because they have lost their first line of defense in the event of an attack by another animal.